Uplifting Arizona Florists Through Continued Education
We are thrilled to announce the recipient of AFE’s 2023 Arizona Retail Florist Education Travel Grant – Renee’ Potter AIFD from Fred’s Flowers in Tempe, Arizona!
“I am so excited to receive the Arizona Retail Florist Travel Grant! What a great opportunity AFE is providing for AZ florists to continue learning,” Renee’ said.
The grant was established in 2017 to help give owners, managers, and employees of retail florists located in Arizona the opportunity to pursue continued education through national industry events. Funding for this grant originated from the defunct FTD District 8K with additional initial funding requirements coming from an Arizona floral industry member.
Each year, AFE’s Education Committee selects a recipient to receive a grant of up to $1,000 to help cover the costs of attending an out-of-state educational industry event.
“What a great opportunity AFE is providing for Arizona florists to continue learning,” Renee’ said. “I will be using this grant money to help fund my travels to Chicago for the AIFD Symposium in July 2023. Symposium is one of the best networking, social and educational gatherings of floral professionals. Never stop learning!”
Last year’s Arizona Retail Florist Education Travel Grant Recipient, Patti Klawans, also used her grant to travel to AIFD Symposium. Patti was able to learn from skilled designers volunteering in the flower room last July in Las Vegas, Nevada, after a year of postponing travel.
“What an exhilarating rejuvenation to my floral education…The best education for any advanced or first-time designer is to work in the flower room with the designers doing anything they ask you to do. If you listen and tackle any task they give you, it will be the best education you’ll ever get, “ Patti said about her experience in Las Vegas.
To learn more about the eligible events and apply for the Grant by October 1st, 2023, head to https://endowment.org/arizona-travel-grant/.