Scholarships in Floriculture and Horticulture

Awarding scholarships for floriculture and horticulture students is a primary function of AFE

We understand the financial burden students face and are doing our part to help! AFE has more than 30 scholarships that are awarded each year, ranging from $500 – $5,000. We are excited to support you…our next generation of industry leaders.

Deadline for Applications

Scholarship Applications: May 1

Apply for Undergraduate/Graduate Scholarships

Post-Graduate Scholarship Application: February 1

Apply for Post-Graduate Scholarships

Online Application Platform

To apply for any of our scholarships you must…

  • Be pursuing a career in or related to FLORICULTURE or HORTICULTURE.
  • Be a CITIZEN OR RESIDENT OF THE U.S. OR CANADA or be enrolled in an accredited educational institution in the U.S. or Canada.
  • Have a minimum 2.0 grade point average. (Some scholarships may require different grade point averages which will be noted in their description.)

Please read each scholarship description below to determine which scholarships you qualify for. You may select UP TO SIX scholarships. Applications with more than six scholarships selected will not be accepted.

AFE scholarship awards range from $500 to $5,000. These funds are issued jointly as checks in the name of the recipient and the college or institution being attended in the fall. Students selected for a scholarship will be sent a notification by July 1 of each year.

The following checklist will help you prepare a complete application:

Scholarship Opportunities

Click here to apply for up to 6 scholarships

The deadline for submission is May 1 each year.

American Florists’ Exchange Scholarship

Ball Horticultural Company Scholarship

BioWorks IPM/Sustainable Practices Scholarship

CalFlowers Scholarship

Carlson-Johnson Scholarship for Nontraditional Students

Colegrave Seabrook Foundation International Scholarship

Dewar Family Scholarship

Earl Dedman Memorial Scholarship

Edward Tuinier Memorial Scholarship

Ferriss Horticulture Scholarship

Garcia Family Scholarship

Harold Bettinger Scholarship

Jacob and Rita Van Namen Marketing Scholarship

James Bridenbaugh Memorial Scholarship

James K. Rathmell, Jr. Memorial Scholarship for Horticultural Work/Study Abroad

John Carew Memorial Scholarship

John L. Tomasovic, Sr. Scholarship

Julio And Sarah Armellini Scholarship

Long Island Flower Growers Association – Bob Gunther Scholarship

Long Island Flower Growers Association (LIFGA) Scholarship

Mike and Flo Novovesky Scholarship

National Greenhouse Manufacturers Association (NGMA) Scholarship

Richard T. Meister Scholarship

Ruby N. & Roland A. Whealy Memorial Scholarship

Seed Companies Scholarship

Suntory Flowers “Dream Big” Scholarship

Vocational (Bettinger, Holden & Perry) Scholarship

Post-Graduate Scholarship Opportunities

Click here to apply for post graduate scholarships

The deadline for submission is February 1 each year.

Altman Family Scholarship

Paul Ecke, Jr. Scholarship

Explore More Student Resources

Looking For Funding?

AFE is committed to supporting research that advances the industry and combats current challenges. This research benefits every segment of the industry. We welcome new research proposal applications by August 1st of each year.