
New Badges Show Your Proud Support of AFE!

New Badges Show Your Proud Support of AFE!

afesupporterbadgeJPGAFE has made it easy for you to let other industry members know you support its efforts. Download AFE’s “proud supporter” badges today in PDF and JPG file formats for print and electronic purposes.
Badges can be used in publications, shared on social media, posted on industry websites or utilized in other ways to fit your needs. Please link the image to
For more than 50 years, the Endowment has worked to address critical industry issues by funding scientific research, educational grants, scholarships and internships to support healthier, longer lasting flowers. AFE also aims to attract and retain the best workforce and foster the next generation of leaders. Let the industry know you stand behind these initiatives by downloading and using these new badges.
Various ads and the AFE logo are also available for download online.