AFE Application Deadlines Calendar
Mark your calendars! Deadlines for our scholarship, internship, research proposal, and educational grant applications are listed below and are consistent year-to-year unless otherwise announced. Click an opportunity to learn more and apply. Free deadline posters are available for your download below.
February 1
Paul Ecke Jr. and Altman Family Scholarships
March 1
James & Helen Phillip Floral Design Grant
Mosmiller Internship
Vic & Margaret Ball Internship
May 1
Undergrad & Graduate Scholarships
June 1
Educational Grants
August 1
Gus Poesch Research Grant
Scientific Research Proposals
October 1
Arizona Retail Florist Grant
Mosmiller Internship
Retail Florist Continued Education Grant
Vic & Margaret Ball Internship
Applications Accepted Year-Round
Business Internships
Deadline Posters
Below are free posters for your convenience so you can get your applications in on time, every time. Each poster has the same information, just click your favorite design, then right-click to save to your computer and print.
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