
Accepting Research Proposals Through August 1

Calling all Researchers! We are now accepting new research proposals for the 2023-2024 funding cycle. The application deadline is August 1, 2022.

Apply Today

Funding innovative research is a critical pillar of our mission to be the trusted source and catalyst for floriculture advancement. New research proposals should support forward-thinking exploration of cost and labor savings, pest and disease management, reduced waste, and other solutions to promote healthier, longer-lasting flowers and plants. A detailed list of our research priorities is below.

In 2022, our Research Application was condensed and updated to include industry references that support the research project. Get helpful tips on how to submit a strong proposal from AFE’s Research Coordinator, Dr. Terril Nell, in the video below.

We are proud to be currently involved in funding more than $660,000 in research for 2021-2022, including 7 new projects and 6 continuing projects. Information and updates on these projects can be at

Preferred and prioritized research is relevant to all segments of the floral industry and is focused on all floricultural crops – from fresh-cut flowers to fresh-cut greens, flowering potted plants, foliage plants, bedding plants, and perennials.

Primary research priorities are as follows:

It is requested that all research projects be between one and three years in length. Project funding ranges from $20,000 to $60,000 annually, although any budget will be considered so long as it is reasonably justified in your application.

If you have suggestions for research or additional questions, please contact AFE’s Research Coordinator, Terril Nell: He is happy to work with you to discuss your research ideas.

Additional information and requirements can be found at We look forward to seeing your research proposals by August 1, 2022!