Thrips & Botrytis Webinar Series

Learn the best practices for managing and controlling thrips and botrytis.

New Thrips & Botrytis research and resources to keep your flowers and plants happy and healthy! AFE is pleased to share webinar recordings and one-page key takeaways highlighting new research findings from our specially-funded Thrips and Botrytis Research Fund.

Initially presented exclusively to our Thrips and Botrytis Fund supporters, these recorded webinars and key takeaways are now released to the industry in both English and Spanish. Take advantage of these FREE resources to help with your pest and disease management!

These educational webinars, along with other training webinars, are available for free to watch on AFE’s YouTube channel. You can subscribe to AFE to be notified when new videos are released here!

research findings

Throughout these webinars and through the one-page summaries, you will learn the best practices for managing and controlling thrips and botrytis, understand why certain decisions are made, and how to make the best management decisions for your greenhouse. Our featured topics also include addressing fungicide and insecticide resistance and the opportunity for use of biological controls. These presentations are brought to you directly from our expert researchers. Each webinar shares impactful research findings and how to implement the results into your growing practices.

Research and research findings like those presented are possible only through industry support and contributions. Thanks to our generous donors, we can provide research solutions like these free to support a stronger industry. Consider making a tax-deductible contribution to AFE research and the future of the floral industry.

Thanks to 25 generous industry organizations and donors, our Thrips and Botrytis Research Fund raised $1.5 million to aggressively address these challenges. Those who helped us reach this goal receive all research findings first as a thank you for making them possible and are given the opportunity to hear the results live from the researchers.

Thrips & Botrytis Past Webinars, English

September 29th, 2022

Botrytis: Screening Biological Control Agents for Effective Blight Management

Speaker: Dr. Jim Faust, Associate Professor of Floriculture Physiology at Clemson University
March 23rd, 2022

Thrips: Magnificent Marigolds – A Plant-Mediated System to Enhance Thrips IPM

Speaker: Margaret Skinner, Research Professor and Extension Entomologist at the Univ. of Vermont, Entomology Research Laboratory
December 15th, 2020

Thrips Part 3: Efficacy and Risks of Insecticides Against Thrips

Speaker: Dr. JC Chong, professor and extension specialist of turf and ornamentals entomology at Clemson University
December 8th, 2020

Thrips Part 2: The Opportunity for Use of Biological Controls

Speaker: Dr. Rose Buitenhuis, Research Scientist of Biological Control at the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre
December 1st, 2020

Thrips Part 1: The Challenges of Controlling Thrips

Speaker: Dr. Rose Buitenhuis, Research Scientist of Biological Control at the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre
November 17th, 2020

Botrytis Part 3: Creating an IPM Program for Botrytis Management

Speaker: Dr. Jim Faust, Associate Professor of Floriculture Physiology at Clemson University
November 10th, 2020

Botrytis Part 2: Addressing Fungicide Resistance

Speaker: Dr. Jim Faust, Associate Professor of Floriculture Physiology at Clemson University
November 3rd, 2020

Botrytis Part 1: Scouting and Monitoring for Botrytis

Speaker: Dr. Jim Faust, Associate Professor of Floriculture Physiology at Clemson University

Thrips & Botrytis Past Webinars, Espanol

October 26th, 2021

Trips: Magnificas planta de mariagold: Un sistema midiado por plantas para MIP de trips

October 21st, 2021

Botrytis: Evaluacion de agentes de control biologico para el manejo efectivo de Botrytis

December 15th, 2020

Trips Parte 3: Eficacia y riesgo de los insecticidas contra trips

December 8th, 2020

Trips Parte 2: La oportunidad para el uso de controles biológicos

December 1st, 2020

Trips Parte 1: Los desafíos en el control de los trips

November 17th, 2020

Botrytis Parte 3: Creando el programa de manejo integrado para Botrytis

November 10th, 2020

Botrytis Parte 2: Abordando la Resistencia a los fungicidas

November 3rd, 2020

Botrytis Parte 1: Exploración y monitoreo de Botrytis

Looking For Funding?

AFE is committed to supporting research that advances the industry and combats current challenges. This research benefits every segment of the industry. We welcome new research proposal applications by August 1st of each year.