Ken and Jean Royer Family Fund – Retail Florist Education Travel Grant Application
Applicants must be owners, managers, or employees of traditional retail florists with a brick-and-mortar storefront and MUST be requesting this grant as a First Time Attendee of a regional, state, or national conference/event. Applications for this travel grant must be for an industry event in the coming year. (For example, apply in 2024 for travel in 2025.)
The grant will be made as a reimbursement after the event is attended.
Examples of eligible opportunities include the below venues as long as they provide retail related business educational sessions as part of the conference/agenda:
Examples of eligible opportunities include:
- State Floral Association Conventions – Texas, Florida, California, and others
- National Floral Conferences – Great Lakes Floral Expo, SAF, AIFD, Cultivate, others
- Other Educational Conferences – through Teleflora, FTD, Floriology, etc.