Effect of Silicon-Based Fertilizer Applications on Reproduction and Development of Arthropod Pests Associated with Horticultural Crops – Part 3
April 2010
Report: 211
Authors: B. K. Hogendorp, Graduate Student and R. A. Cloyd, Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois and Department of Entomology, Kansas State University
Advancing the Adoption of Pest Management Strategies on Cut Flowers Produced in the United States and Colombia: Part I
January 2011
Report: 214
Authors: Kevin Heinz, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M & Michael Parrella, Department of Entomology, University of California, & James Jimenez, EcoFlora LTD, Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia
Effects of Pesticide Mixtures in Controlling Arthropod Pests of Greenhouses
March 2013
Report: 215
Authors: A. L. Willmott, graduate student; R. A. Cloyd, Professor and Extension Specialist; K. Y. Zhu, Professor, Department of Entomology Kansas State University