Development of a PCR Assay for Detection of the Geranium Rust Fungus Puccinia Pelargonii-Zonalis
August 2010
Report: 132
Authors: E.A.Scocco, S.N. Jeffers, R. Walcott, J.W. Buck, University of Georgia, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Clemson University, Department of Entomology, Soils, & Plant Sciences
Authors: M.L. Daughtrey1, Senior Extension Associate, and M.K. Hausbeck2, Professor and Extension Specialist, 1Cornell University, Long Island Horticultural Research and Extension Center, 2Michigan State University
Integrated Management of Fusarium in Florists’ Crops: Molecular Identification of Fusarial Floricultural Pathogens
December 2007
Report: 128
Authors: D. M. Geiser, State University, Dept. of Plant Path, F. Ameena Nalim, State University, Dept. of Plant Path, R. J. McGovern, University of Florida-IFAS, Plant Med. Prog., W. H. Elmer, Connecticut Ag. Exper. Station, Dept of Plant Path. & Ecology
Sensitivity of Fusarium Oxysporum from Ornamentals to Selected Fungicides
December 2007
Report: 129
Authors: M.L. Gilbert, C.R. Semer IV, R.J. McGovern, University of Florida-IFAS, Plant Medicine Program, W.H. Elmer, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Dept of Plant Pathology & Ecology, D.M. Geiser, Pennsylvania State University, Dept of Plant Pathology
Integrated Management of Fusarium in Florists’ Crops: Evaluation of Chemical Disinfestation of Styrofoam
December 2007
Report: 127
Authors: M.L. Gilbert, C.R. Semer IV, A.G. Bisson, R.J. McGovern, University of Florida-IFAS, Plant Medicine Program, W.H. Elmer, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Dept of Plant Pathology & Ecology, D.M. Geiser, Pennsylvania State University, Dept of Plant Pathology
Integrated Management of Fusarium in Florists’ Crops: Management of Fusarium wilt of Hiemalis Begonias
December 2007
Report: 126
Authors: Wade Elmer, Connecticut Ag. Exper. Station, Dept of Plant Path. & Ecology, Robert McGovern, University of Florida-IFAS, Dept of Plant Path. & Plant Med., David Geiser, Pennsylvania State University, Dept of Plant Pathology
Authors: Wade Elmer, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Dept of Plant Pathology & Ecology, Robert McGovern, University of Florida-IFAS, Dept of Plant Pathology & Plant Medicine Program, David Geiser, Pennsylvania State University, Dept of Plant Pathology
Authors: Wade Elmer, Connecticut Agricultural Exper. Station, Dept of Plant Pathology & Ecology, Robert McGovern, University of Florida-IFAS, Dept of Plant Pathology & Plant Medicine Program, David Geiser, Pennsylvania State University, Dept of Plant Pathology