Donor Spotlight: Pete and Brenda S. Garcia
The Floral Industry’s “Power Couple”
For over half of a century, the Garcias have strived to enhance the floral industry. With Brenda S. at Pete’s side, they were able to grow the Pete Garcia Company™, Garcia Group, and many other companies while finding ways to give back to the Floral Industry.
Pete and Brenda give unselfishly to the American Floral Endowment (AFE). Attending all the AFE phone-a-thons, the Garcias expressed their beliefs in AFE and the impact that gifts to the Endowment have on the industry.
Pete became an AFE board member back when the name was the Society of American Florists Endowment (SAFE). As Public Relations Chairman, Pete suggested the change of names from SAFE to AFE so it would not confuse donors. He and Brenda chaired the AFE 1984 Century Dinner during the WFFSA Trade Fair to create awareness of AFE in the hardgoods sector of our industry. Pete also served as AFE’s Secretary from 1989-1993 and then Chairman from 1993-1995. In 2020, the Garcia Family established the Garcia Family Scholarship Fund, which supports college students with career focuses on the marketing or distribution of floral products.
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The Garcia’s industry involvement is in no way limited to time with AFE. In fact, Pete’s involvement began in 1973 when he was a part of establishing the Wholesale Florist & Florist Supplier Association (WFFSA) Trade Fair, leading to a board membership and then trade fair chairman in 1976. Followed by becoming president of WFFSA 1979-1980.
It does not end there! Fortunately, the enthusiasm of the Garcia Family has roots into many organizations. Pete’s brother Ramon was very active on the board of SAF serving several roles. Their sons Mike and David followed the dedicated “Give Back” efforts serving WFFSA with David becoming president. David is also currently Chairman-Elect for AFE with his term as Chairman starting this Fall. Their extended family not only backed these efforts – they are also taking leadership roles to grow our industry. Darin Dewberry is an example, serving on many committees and as the immediate past president of WFFSA.
There are many success stories from growers, retailers, wholesaler, manufacturers, logistics, insurance, transportation, technical solutions, and imports (both fresh as well as hardgoods), to academia. Imagine if each person, group, or company could be counted as a contributor.
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$100? $1,000? Or more? What a successful Tree of Togetherness that would be!
The Garcias ask that you consider supporting AFE and funding the future of floriculture. Thank you!