Calling All Researchers! Research Proposal Applications Now Open
Calling all University Researchers! AFE is now accepting new research proposal applications for the 2024-2025 funding cycle. The application deadline is August 1, 2023. Apply through our new online platform here.
Research Director Dr. Terril Nell and Research Coordinator Laura Barth will be holding a webinar on Thursday, May 11th, at 2 pm (Eastern) to go over the application process and answer any questions that you have. Register here for the webinar.
Topics covered will include:
- Application Timeline, from Submission to Notification
- Overview of our NEW Online Application Portal
- Research Priorities
- What Makes a Good Proposal?
- Requirements for Funded Projects
- Q & A Session
Funding innovative research is a critical pillar of AFE’s mission to be the trusted source and catalyst for floriculture advancement.
New research proposals should support forward-thinking exploration of cost and labor savings, pest and disease management, sustainability, and other solutions to promote not just healthier, longer-lasting flowers and plants, but a healthy and robust floriculture industry as well.
The primary research priorities are listed below. They are focused on all floricultural crops – bedding plants, fresh cut flowers, fresh cut greens, flowering potted plants, and foliage plants.
- Sustainable Production and Handling Practices Including Water Use Efficiency and Growing Media
- Reduction of the Impact of Climate Change on Production, Handling, and Product Quality
- Biocontrol of Pests
- Advanced Breeding Technology, including CRISPR
- Long-Term Storage and Shipping Conditions for Cut Flowers, Bedding, and Potted Plants
- Production Technology
- Postharvest Technology
- Botrytis Control and Management
- Thrips Control and Management
- Automation, Technology, and AI Leading to Labor Savings
The Endowment’s fiscal year begins on July 1 and runs through June 30, therefore funding for projects begins in July of the next fiscal year.
AFE looks forward to talking with you on May 11, and seeing your proposals by August 1! Please register ahead for the webinar here:
NEW IN 2023! Online Submission: Floriculture Research Funding Application Form!
Application forms are due no later than August 1. Applications must be submitted using the online submission form, and additional materials requested uploaded through the platform. The first review and notification process will be completed by October 1st.
For more information about the application process, please visit If you have any questions about the application, research proposal process, AFE’s priority areas, or a project idea, please get in touch with AFE at